
ZEB welcomes new colleagues on all fours

15 dogs discover their workplace during the day 'Take Your Dog To Work Day'

Friday, June 21, 2019 - Merchtem

Today was the day "Take your dog to the office".


On this most respectful day of animals, celebrated worldwide since 1999, ZEB employees were able to take their four-legged companions to their workplace.
A dog in the office reduces stress and promotes exercise.
It is also fun to get to know your colleagues in another way.

Luc Van Mol, CEO of ZEB, participated in this experiment and brought his dog, Wasco, to the office.
Some 15 dogs accompanied their master to ZEB headquarters for a test day to see if loyal companions can return more often with their master to the office.
Many activities were organized during this unique workday.
A photobooth, a group walk, a doggybar and a professional behaviorist were part of this dog experience.

Luc Van Mol, CEO of ZEB, also brought his dog to the office.
"We are participating with ZEB in the 'Take Your Dog to Work Day' day, because we attach great importance to work-life balance.
Bringing your dog to the office, it brings a rapprochement between the two.
This day was an attempt to find out if we can accommodate dogs more often at our office.
The general feeling is positive and we are convinced that this can be reiterated soon ", explains Luc Van Mol.

Tips & tricks

Jade Van Mol, professional behaviorist, was present at ZEB Merchtem:
"It's great that such a day exists. A dog is not meant to be alone and isolation is the worst thing that can happen to him.
For a collaborator, a dog in the workplace has many positive effects.
This promotes exercise, allows her to take relaxing breaks and take a breath of fresh air during her hours. "

Jade is for several years specialized in canine psychology.
She went on a five-day training with the famous American behaviorist Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer on National Geographic).

"Today I shared some tips with the masters about their relationship with their dog.
There are three important points to be aware of.
A dog must receive trust, respect and love.
It's as important for the dog as it is for the master, "she explains.



ZEB is the fashion multi-brand store in Belgium par excellence for all those who want to be fashionable and trendy everyday.
With more than 70 major brands in 69 stores across Belgium and an online store, every customer can expect a unique shopping experience at all levels.
Besides the choice of international brands, ZEB also has national fashion.
Through various Belgian collaborations such as Astrid Black Label, Stien Edlund, DYJCode, The Fabulous Marcel of Brussels, ..., inspiring personalities express their unique imprint in their own clothing collection.

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